Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who can take a Saturday and change it into fun? The Trash Man Can...

So I'm sitting in my Cave one Saturday morning, just minding my own business when my wife hands me a package that came for me in the mail! Turns out it was from my good friend the Trash Man over at Pop Pop! It's Trash Culture, and I was about to have the best Saturday morning since I was a kid in pajamas munching Cap'n Crunch and watching Muppet Babies!

Upon opening the pack I discovered this pile of loot! Now, I have just recently WON a GIGANTIC pile of loot from the Trash Man in his monthly Trash giveaway. So I was scratching my head at WHY I would be receiving another one so soon... and then it dawned on me... this was a consolation prize! See, Trash Man sends out BIG prize packs, and then he sends out smaller ones to the losers each month. I may have won the very first one, but I LOST the second one (Yeah, I had the audacity to enter into the next month's drawing... Don't judge me. These prize packs are SOFA KING amazing). So I went about my business, and forgot about the whole thing. UNTIL this showed up! 

See, the cool thing about the Trash Man is he PAYS ATTENTION. He knows all my weaknesses. He remembered how much I WIGGED OUT about the Lantern rings he sent me last time, so he tossed a few more my way this time. And believe me, I verbally, audibly, and EMPHATICALLY shrieked like a teenage Beatles fan of the female persuasion (you know, the kind-of-homely-but-kind-of-hot-too ones with the horn-rimmed glasses that probably ended up being your Aunt or something?) when I saw these. GODS I LOVE THESE!!! I have all of them but 3 now, and I will be tracking those down post-haste! 

MUSCLE guys!!! When I was a kid I thought the guy on the left was supposed to be a mummy, so he attacked people with bandages. The guy in the middle was pretty much just Ice Man. And the guy on the right looked like a pepper grinder to me, so he would puff clouds of irritating pepper at people, blinding and burning them while he fought. I was such a MUSCLE nut!!! This brings my current collection up to 26! I miss having these so much. 

Here are a pair of Garbage Pail Kids wax packs that I refuse to open. I love them just the way they are! They bring back such great childhood memories. Some of the happiest times of my young life were the walks I used to take down to the store to pick up these wax-packs. I am so incredibly thankful for these. 

Finally, there was another of my collecting staples: A Choose Your Own Adventure book! "The Forbidden Castle" which is another perfect addition to my shelf. Long-time readers will remember that next to only maybe Little Golden Books, CYOAs are my favorite kind of books to collect. And Trash Man remembers that. Trash Man is the king of KNOWING what you like. This package I received was incredibly generous and tailor-suited for me. 

Thank you Trash Man, this package was really special to me, and it made my day. 

So that's it folks! I'll be back very soon with some more Geeky Goodwill Goodies! Until then, Happy Hunting!


  1. Replies
    1. Still lacking blue, red and indigo tribe rings.

    2. I know for sure that I have the Red I will see if I can get the other two for you.

    3. Well I will be forever grateful! I will definitely have to think of a way to make it up to you.

    4. I made some checks this afternoon, and I will be able to line up all three for you. I will not be able to make it to the LCS to pick up the Blue and Indigo ones until next Wednesday though when I make my monthly trip. So they probably would not ship until around the 20th.

      I will also between now and then check to see which CYOA books I have doubles of if you are interested!

    5. drop me an email with a shipping address. I picked them up this wked. I will drop them in the mail next time I make it to the postoffice! crpechonick at gmail dot com

  2. Awesome stuff. I grew up on Choose Your Own Adventure.

    1. I remember reading them with my fingers marking about five previous choices so I could go back to where I started if it ended badly. I was such a cheater!

  3. Brian is one of the best out there!

    1. He really is! He's not the only one of course! Keep your eyes peeled John!

  4. Beautiful lot of stuff there. M.U.S.C.L.E., Choose Your Own Adventure & GPK! You received my childhood in a box that day.

    1. Dude, I KNOW! By far the stuff I've received from the Trash Man (in this pack and the one I won in his first giveaway) has taken me back to my youth more than almost anything else I have encountered. He's like a nostalgia machine.

  5. That's so cool! The Trash Man really is a great guy. Good stuff your way and CYOA books are always a good thing!

  6. Cool stuff! You can never go wrong with CYOA!

  7. Aggghh!!! This post makes me so HAPPY! Awesome on both ends :) You deserve it, Geek. Generosity begets generosity, my friend.
    The Trash Man and you are in a league of ya'lls own, I'm speakin truth! Good people....
    And am I the only one who used to cheat at CYOA? If you saw a dark stairwell, it usually indicated that it wouldn't go so well so you could change your mind before reading ;) I was so lame, and ironically very UN-adventurous in my Choose Your Own Adventures... your blog always takes me back :)

    1. (Look up above in my comment to Mike and you'll see I was/AM a total CYOA cheater! I had so many fingers tucked into pages that I had to turn them with my nose after a while!)

      The Trash Man and The Goodwill Geek good people? Well... hmmmm... I dunno. I think the blogosphere just brings out the better in me. I meet all these neat people and I read about their interests and I just want to share. Trash Man's the same in that respect.

      But I have it on good authority that he kicks puppies. Like a lot. He's probably kicking one or two RIGHT NOW.

    2. Puppies deserve it, man. Have you seen how damn cute they are? I'm like Ed Norton in the Fights Clubs movie. I just want to destroy something beautiful.

      I am Jack's raging vengeance against everything adorable. You better watch out too, you cutie-pie you.

  8. Aaaannnd I just read the other comments and am glad I wasn't the only cheater.... but I only mastered about three fingers in the pages, LOL!!
