Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Cool & Collected Magazine Kick-Starter! Support it!!!

Just wanted to take a moment and promote Brian Adams's cool-as-heck kick-starter and passion-project: The Cool & Collected print magazine! 

Cool & Collected Magazine for pop culture collectors

Brian's been blogging forever, and he is responsible for organizing the League of Extraordinary Bloggers, so I have so much respect and admiration for him and his dream project here! It looks like a collector's dream come true quite frankly, and I can't wait to see it become a reality! Please make a quick stop over to his Kick-Starter page today:

Brian talks a bunch more about the project over on his blog, here and here. Go check it out! 

Introducing: Cool & Collected Magazine! (maybe)


  1. Thanks Derek, but you neglected to say that you are the man responsible for the cover story. :D

    This project would never have been possible without the help and support of people like you, and I can't thank you all enough!

  2. I can't wait to see this become a reality too! I feel like with so many people wanting it to go through, we will be seeing this magazine in our hands soon!

  3. This is too cool not to happen, right!?
