Friday, January 18, 2013

Imaginext Jungle... Found in the Wild: Kids Go Without in the Interest of Geekiness

So here's a Goodwill find I made shortly before Christmas. It's the Imaginext Gorilla Mountain Playset. It was found for 1.99 completely sans accessories. 

Aaaand... full disclosure my original plan was to give it to my boys to play with. But as I was scrubbing the thing down (I may love Goodwill but I don't love the filth that can sometimes be found on the things you buy from Goodwill. I want to bring geekiness home... not cholera.) I started to have second thoughts. 

I had an idea... since I've moved into the new house, and I set up the cave, I haven't had room to display my Indiana Jones Adventure Hero figures. They're cute versions of almost all the important characters (The only really major omissions being the villain Toht from Raiders and ally Marcus Brody) from the 4 movies. 

The more I looked at this playset... the more I realized I was going to keep it to do this: 

There... that's better.

I'm pretty happy with it, overall. I even stuck a few other critters and characters in there for flavor. 


  1. OH WOW, what a great idea! My Indy hero figs are force to sit stale in box.

    Also, I find baby wipes really handy for the scrub down of that toxic sticky film that is found on used toys.

    1. Thanks! I kept agonizing over the fact that I was going to have to pack Indy and friends and enemies... and frenemies... away in the attic. This playset swooped in and just refused to be ignored.

      Baby wipes are always my first line of attack too. On this filthy sucker I also got nitty-gritty with a toothbrush and rubbing alcohol. Those leaves on the jungle canopy crowning off the toy were all caked with nastiness, and a toothbrush really digs into the nooks and crannies.

  2. This playset is on my list. I have been eyeing it for awhile.

    1. If you find it go for it! It's pretty cool in general.

  3. Wow what a score for that price! I wish I had room to set something like that up to display my figs.

    1. I saw it sitting there and didn't dare to dream the price would be that low. But I knew as soon as I saw the 1.99 price tag it had to come home.

      The display came with some sacrifice. I had to move a TON of books out of my cave to free up shelf space, and then cleared off the rack you now see this sitting on. I'm officially running out of room to display stuff.

      May have to actually start prioritizing what I collect and keep. Oh, the horror.

  4. My favorite thing about your photos is seeing what cool, geeky stuff I can spot in the background. Like that Link PEZ dispenser.

    That's a really cool hunk of plastic, too! :)

    1. I can't believe you said that! What's really weird and funny was while I was deciding if I needed to crop down these photos, I noticed you could see the PEZ shelf and I left it in. I literally had the thought that I wondered if someone would notice them, and thought of you, due to the Nintendo connection. Weird. There's a Mario and a Wii Remote dispenser there as well. They're actually Klik dispensers, not PEZ, but I collect them all for the same reason.
