Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Horrible Secret? Probably not...

So just a quickie today kids: 

Just a boring, old, dusty pile of classic books...

Or are they...? 

See the horrible secret after the jump!

Okay... so I may have misled you a tiny bit. There's no horrible secret. It's just a regular secret, and not a terribly well-guarded secret at that:

This is in fact a set of drawers in a little case designed to look like a stack of books. I don't have a lot to say about it, and I'm sorry for that.

Such is the life of a busy blogger. But... Payday Friday is coming! I can't wait! Can you? 

There will be more interesting things to look at coming up, I promise! 

I know, I know. Today was kind of lame. I will try to make it up to you. Do not lose hope. I am just really strapped for time today. We all have those days, right? 

God I feel bad. Like I've let you all down. 


I'll get over it. 

Now I'm going to go hide the family jewels in my book drawers! Nya-hah!


  1. I know... I know... But I plan on keeping cool stuff in there. I hate this post so much. All of my stuff is being packed away as we speak, so I have to be kind of sparse with my goodies right now. (shakes his head in shame)

    Tomorrow will be better. Maybe.

    Just picture that bitch with my Zoltar mug sitting on top, and a bunch of random, cool treaures packed into each drawer. I know I am. Picturing that.

