Tuesday, June 3, 2014

League Post: Shelf Expression!!!

It's once more League of Extraordinary Bloggers time again!!! And what pray tell is our topic this week you may ask? Well ask and I shall answer!!!

This week’s assignment from the League: Shelf Expression

It's pretty cut and dry this time around kids, Brian occasionally sets photography challenges for those of us that blog for the League, and this week I wanted to encapsulate my ENTIRE collector's sensibilities in one arranged shelf photograph. So of course I went with a 4-tiered knick-knack shelf. Take a look:

I'm hard pressed to find a property that I enjoy not somehow represented here. Sift through this chaotic mess and you will find shreds of my childhood mixed with things beloved by my inner child of today. Cartoons, advertising mascots, comic book characters, horror icons, and toys just for the sake of toys are all included in this menagerie. I took this one all-in-one-shot shot but I also took break down shots of each individual shelf in the 4 levels of my brain right here in display. Thought about talking all of this to DEATH... but I think I'll just let all of the images speak for themselves from here on out. 

Let's take a peak-see at some of the other League members' Shelf-Expression, shall we?

- Nerdy Life of Mine

- Revenge of the Toy Box

- Cool & Collected

- Stunt Zombie

- Erik Johnson Illustrator

- Midnight Monster Spookshow

That's it for tonight kids! I'll be back with more Geeky Goodwill Goodies soon! Until then, Happy Hunting!


  1. Is that the "boogeyman" from The Real Ghostbusters? Vary NICE!

    1. Yes! From the mini-mates line they did for Real Ghostbusters. He sums up ALMOST everything I love about how bats**t insane that show could get.

  2. Air Raiders, Dino Riders, Adventure People...that's an awesome grouping. I'm lovin the little Kang too.

    Who's that purple guy in front of Baxter Stockman? He looks familiar, but I can't place him.

    1. Kang is not one of my favorite characters but that figure is one of my absolute top 5 Super Hero Squad figures. He's just so sassy.

      And the purple guy is a Construx Alien also (I believe) produced by Fisher Price. 80's toy.

    2. Ah, that would explain it. I don't think I've ever seen Construx toys around here.

  3. You've got a toy army here that puts the one from "The Nutcracker" to shame!

    Did you like The Lego Movie? I can't tell the Giant Pirate Robot.

    1. LOOOVE the LEGO movie. You can also spot Unikitty in there as well.

      And keep in mind this is just one small curio shelf in my cave. The Nutcracker ain't got NUTTIN on me!!!

    2. The LEGO Movie was AWESOME! Everything is awesome about that movie! I caved and bough the Metal Beard set.

      I wanna buy the movie so I can watch it over and over again. I'm a huge AFOL, but just about anyone would enjoy The LEGO Movie, you should see it! :)

  4. I love the randomness of these figures - Spanning the years and the styles! Plus California raisins!

    1. Thanks very much! I wanted a nice mix of old and new and all the stuff somewhere in between.

  5. I particularly enjoy how Gary is just hanging out on top of Wall-E's head.

    1. Thank you! They just looked like they wanted to hang out together. Who am I to keep them apart?

  6. That's an epic display! I immediately focused on the Boogie Man from real ghostbusters. That's a favorite episode of mine!

    1. Mine too! There a couple of other nods to the Real Ghostbusters in there too, but that character was the reason I started buying the Real Ghostbusters minimates in the first place, so I thought he'd better represent.

  7. The Count in the last photo! I have the same Grover (of course I do!)
    If I had $200 layin around I would mail you the contents of every little doo-dad and knick knack on all the shelves in my house...... Jen would kill me. ;)

    1. Laura m'love, I don't WANT all your stuff! I mean... I DO... but what makes your stuff so magical is what you do with it all! I would love to see you participate in this week's League challenge actually! (Hint... hint...)

  8. Awesome shelf Derek! One figure that really speeks to me is the transparent gentleman just right of Baxter Stockman. Who is that guy, I must know! He looks killer!

    1. He is a Fisher-Price Adventure People toy called the X-Ray man. I'll post a pic on instagram of the whole bunch of them I have.

    2. And hey, thank you for the kind words!

  9. I love shelves like this where you can look several times and find something different every time. Excellent!

    1. I've got a pretty chaotic set-up as-is Brian, but this shelf was put together specifically for this photo shoot, and then everybody went back to their original homes when it was done with. I wanted that sort of picture-from-an-I-Spy-book sort of feel for the pic. Thanks for the comment!
