Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Not Dead. Not by a long-shot. Just gearing up.

I'll be back soon kids. In the mean-time I'm redressing the site so it no longer looks Halloween-y.

It was a pretty crappy ending to my October, ended up sick in bed away from work an entire week.

Anyway, I have so MUCH to blog about! I think I'll be back in the swing of things by the end of this week. So many things to share, (not done exploring my big end-of-the-season yard-sale bin!) and people to thank, so I've got to jump back in here soon.

Thanks to everybody who followed my Countdown to Halloween this year!

Here's The Goodwill Geek family all costumed up for Halloween! My wife went as a cereal killer. Yes. Those are my retro-style Monster Cereal boxes on her costume. I decided I didn't really want to keep them. I'm not that much of a packaging collector, to be honest. So I thought they'd be going to a good cause. I'm not going to lie: The image of them being cut and bloodied and stabbed (and then rained on steadily for an hour) hurt a little. But I kept my Count Chocula and Fruit Brute boxes. I'll probably clip the fronts and hang them up somewhere... or maybe I won't. 

My daughter went as "Steampunk" which my wife and I were supposed to do too... but I got sick and bed-ridden for a few days, and time ran out so I grabbed a mask and cenobite weapon and decided to go as the "Anonymous Killer". My sons went as Donatello the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and "Blow-Fly" the Trash Pack character... representing each of their most recent obsessions. 

Between the horrible down-pouring rain the night of Halloween itself, and my miserable illness the whole last week of October... It was kind of a bummer of a Halloween. BUT... when BOTH of my sons looked at me after Trick or Treating (in the cold, cold rain mind you...) and told me how much they LOVED this night, and how much FUN they had... it was all okay. They got the spooky, fun night of masks and candy they were craving. And everything felt pretty good when I realized that. 

They didn't mind the rain one bit (although my 2-year old did come and sit with me in the van to warm up way before my wife, daughter and 4-year old gave up the ghost...) and were very happy with their haul. 

Any way.... I'll be back soon with some Geeky Goodwill Goodies! Until then, Happy Hunting! 


  1. The best lookin family, Geek!
    You and Jen made a stunningly gorgeous daughter.
    For real. Sorry that it was kinda a bust, but you caught the best part in their smiles :)

    1. Nah, it was all good. That daughter may look sweet, but she's nuttin' but trouble!

  2. Well how cool is that family photo! I am so sorry to hear that you were battling the ick sick, but it looks like everything turned out really well in the end! Your wife's costume is amazing! I love it! That is so clever and just beyond cool.

    Your kids are awesome and I am glad that you all got into the spirit of things! Hope all is well! Not it is on to the crazy of cooking and Thanksgiving. lol

    1. Oh don't remind me! Thanksgiving is going to be a madhouse this year!
      Thanks for the kind words Miss M!

  3. We were open on Halloween and had a blast! So glad you had an ok time too.

  4. Sorry your had bad weather and weren't feeling your best but hearing the kids had a good time sounds like it could make up for some of it.

    1. It really made up for all of it, to be honest. It was all I was truly worried about, and they had a great time. So no harm done!

  5. Should have come by our house. We gave trick or treaters an extra candy bar for coming out in the rain.

  6. Glad you're feeling better! Looks like you all had a great time.

  7. Also, I owe you a big Halloween thank you. Several months back you mentioned your adoration for the original Nightmare on Elm Street movie. It had been on my "want to see list" for years, but your amusing post of it during the League's "Nightmare" theme was what pushed me to finally see it on Halloween night.

    Wow! It was great! I owe you big for this recommendation.

    1. Oh I'm so glad you liked it! I would recommend more... but honestly I don't know if there's much that lives up to the original Nightmare... You of course don't owe me a thing, it's out there to be seen and LOVED!!!

    2. It was a fantastic double feature with John Carpenter's "Halloween". Miss M and I actually had a lengthy discussion on one of her recent posts on why Freddy is designed to be the perfect predator.

  8. Man, rain on Halloween night is a bummer, but at least you guys fought through it and racked in the candy anyway! I remember one year it snowed on Halloween! It's was kinda weird and actually really fun. I hope you're feeling better by now Geek and look forward to future posts!

    1. Yeah, we've had a few snowy Octobers up here as well. It's always bizarre. I much prefer the seasonally-appropriate Halloweens myself. Sans rain as well... but we do what we can with what we're given.
