That is all. Well, as I REALLY got into the RED challenge back in March, I didn't hesitate to get moving on this one. After scouring the Geek-Cave for all blue items this is what I came up with:
Funny thing is, I know I've probably got way more than this. I just didn't feel like stressing out too much more about it. I'm ALSO going to try not to talk this one to death for a change, so here's a shot of everything sitting on my desk:
And an aerial shot from above... just because I was trying so many different angles.
And now I'm done with the feeling blue challenge.
Psst! I'm not really feeling blue though. Know why? There's so much cool stuff going on with my internet friends in the League!!! (And I'm not just talking the ones posting BLUE stuff this week!) Check out:
- Hobgoblin238 from the Monster Cafe Saltillo shows off his baby blues.
- Calvin of the Canadian Cave of Cool blue me away!!!
- Laura Huey gave me the Boo Bobby Blog blues!
- Big J at Nerd Rage Against the Machine blue through town like a hurricane!
- Achievements in Gaming bleeds blue!
- Stunt Zombies' Chris has a bad case of lovin' blue!
- Erik Johnson Illustrator gives us a visual rhapsody in blue.
- Vikki Verka spends some time in front of a blue screen.
- Neato Coolville is sick with blue-monia!
- Miss M over at Diary of a Dorkette proves that blue hair isn't just for grannies.
- Dex over at AEIOU and Sometimes WHY has a post FULL of blue... CHEESE!!! (Actually Star Wars Cards)
- Brian (Our fearless leader) over at Cool & Collected wants the Dark Knight to be renamed the Blue Knight. (I'm sort of on board... And GODS I want his built-in shelving!!!)
That's it for me tonight kids!!! I'll be back very soon with some Geeky Goodwill Goodies!!! Until then, Happy Hunting!
That's a whole lot of blue Derek. : )
ReplyDeleteSure 'nuff is.
DeleteAs always, an impressive showing for the color theme photo challenge!
ReplyDeleteI thank you sir!
DeleteImpressive collection. I remember that big, blue ghost/head. Ghostbusters, wasn't it?
ReplyDeleteIt was! it's a part of H2-Ghost, a double-decker water-squirting toy from the Real Ghostbusters Line. You can actually see both the top and bottom half of the toy in these pictures. One has 2 eyes and teeth at the bottom, the other has one eye and a big open-mouthed grin!
DeleteI love all that blue stuff! That is so cool! And you even spelled out all the items in the color! I love it! Just too cool. Hope everything is going well, I'll be commenting more I'm sure! Trying to catch up now that things are slowly getting back to normal.
ReplyDeleteI love Webstor. I have such a weird relationship with that figure. When I was a kid I found my parents hiding spot for my Christmas loot and I decided to help myself early to Webstor. I had a plan though. Open him up, play with him, and then put him back in the package using "invisible" scotch tape. I was a genius right? Too bad I left him at my friend's house and his mom called my mom to come get my toys. Sigh. The parental units totally threw him away as punishment, but I totally dug him out of the garbage can and they were never the wiser... ;)