Sunday, March 10, 2013

Still Alive... Here's some stuff from Goodwill to prove it

Things have been hectic around my home and work lately, with lots of crazy stuff, health stuff, money stuff, kid stuff, etc. to worry about and keep my attention away from blogging. I'm basically just getting on here long enough to prove I'm not dead. Luckily, I have some pictures of some stuff I picked up at the Brewer, ME Goodwill last November. Yep. Last November. I photograph stuff and either sit on it for a while for a slow day, or just forget about it. I think this stuff was a little of both. 

First up as a HUGE grab-bag I paid 3.99 for. Inside it was all you see above. There's a squeaky manatee that makes the most AMAZING squeaky noise you have ever HEARD and a tiny yellow plastic maraca with a smiley face on it.There's a weird truck with a bunch of cereal mascot heads attached to it, including Tony the Tiger, Sam the Toucan, Dig'em the Honey Smacks Frog, and (on the side you can't see) Snap, Crackle, and Pop, the Rice Crispies guys. A handful of PEZ dispensers, a green plastic alligator squirt gun, a Dotty Dog doll from the Get-Along-Gang series (I looooooved these guys when I was a kid, and I had a TON of Montgomery Moose toys)The weird triangle thing in the top right corner is a sort of spinning top toy on wheels. There's a set of plastic army men, an orange plastic monkey, some Pokemon Happy Meal toys, some Batman Brave and the Bold Happy Meal toys, and finally a single M.U.S.C.L.E. Thing figure, smack-dab in the middle. A handful of these items I was really excited about, and the rest are all pretty fun to either give to my kids or pass along to other geeks, etc. I take the manatee at random intervals and just squeeze the ever-loving heck out of it. 

Next up we have a couple of Golden Books. But one of them (Peter Pan in Tinker Bell and the Pirates) is actually a Big Little Golden Book! 

These aren't lined up perfectly, but this gives you a pretty good idea of how much of a size difference there is. The smaller of the two books is I Think That It is Wonderful and other poems from Sesame Street. If you don't already know about my dual vintage Sesame Street and vintage Little Golden Books obsessions, let this post be your introduction to those. As usual, these kids' books were .99 cents apiece. 

Finally, look at this. I was severely conflicted picking this up at Goodwill. I don't consider myself to be too deeply entrenched in gender-role nonsense... but I felt weird picking up a doll for myself. I don't collect dolls. But if you'll please notice, this is a mother-effing PUNKY BRESWTER DOLL!!! This isn't just some sticky, dirty old Baby Alive that I'm going to cradle in my arms when I sleep at night. This is different. I mean, maybe the world is blind. Or just a little unkind... I don't know. Seems you can't be sure of anything anymore. But I'll tell you, that day at Goodwill when I turned around, I saw the the girl who turns my world around. Her spirit lifted me right off the ground. So... I bought her. for 2.99. I already have plans for what to do with her. 

Nothing dirty or sticky. Just making sure you all understand that. This is not that kind of blog. 

I'll be back soon with more Goodwill Goodies! Until then, Happy Hunting! 


  1. I have season one of Punky on DVD!

    1. Been thinking of picking up some Punky on DVD.. Just haven't pulled the trigger.

  2. Looks like you got Sunshine from the MUSCLE line very cool next to the "Claw" one of my favorites.

    1. Yep, though to be honest I never refer to them by their Kinnikuman (sp?) names. I used all of Sunshine's different forms as a team of like- minded cube-based villains.

  3. You totally Punkyrolled us! I hope this is the start of a new Internet trend. I've been feeling empty inside since Fresh Princerolling fell out of favor.

    1. Well, you know what a trendsetting Mecca this blog has come to be... So probably.

  4. "This isn't just some sticky, dirty old Baby Alive that I'm going to cradle in my arms when I sleep at night." No, it's Soleil Moon Frye to cradle in your arms when you sleep at night.

  5. I found your blog through a "vintage mcdonald's happy meal toy" google search... been reading through the last hour, even the mold movie stuff, and now after this post I have to get off and make dinner for my family... but first, I will subscribe to posts.
    Thanks for makin my evening a little better.

    1. Laura, thanks for sticking around and checking out my blog! I don't pretend to be a professional blogger by any means, but if ANYBODY discovers this blog and has even a slightly better evening because of it... well that just makes me really happy. Thank you so much for the kind comment, and for subscribing.

      I've actually been hitting a dry patch lately with my posts... and now I think you've just given me a pretty great reason to get off my ass and start getting stuff done.
