Wednesday, March 13, 2013

League of Extraordinary Bloggers: I'm Seeing Red!

I'm jumping in with both feet on this week's League of Extraordinary Bloggers topic. I've been off and on the grid for a week or so with a few check-ins here and there, but I'm trying to get back on track with GH4G. I see no better way than to let the League get me going. 

So what's the topic? It's one near and dear to my heart... a photo challenge!

I scoured the cave looking for any trace of Red I could find. And I decided to get creative with it. 

Here's a shot of everything I found in in the cave, with a background of larger red items like books, a DVD and a Little People Silo. 

Let's see what's got the rest of the League seeing red:

Toyriffic and Henchgirl both feature my favorite Red Lantern. 

Neato Coolville and That Figures both decided to showcase red toys as well. 

Flashlights are Something to Eat and Branded in the 80's both took creative interpretations of the topic.

I'll be back soon with more Goodwill Goodies! Until then, Happy Hunting!  


  1. Is that Spider-Man van one of those Scene Machines Hot Wheels? Also, wow, lots of red in this one!

    1. No, it's from an old set out out by ERTL. Thanks!

    2. Nope, I lied. I meant to say Buddy L.

  2. Great pics! I certainly see red.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh stop! You're making me turn... Well you know.

  4. Did you spell out 'Red' on your bed?

    1. Indeed I did. Our duvet is white and was the largest white surface I could find to photograph it on. I've begun photographing many things on that bed. ;)

      Now you know where I sleep.

  5. Very nice! Is that a bear trap mixed in there?!?! Amazing! I need to know more about that please!

    1. That, my friend is an accessory that came with the Leatherhead figure in the original TMNT line. He also had a pump-style shotgun in the same red but I didn't feel like prying it out of his hand for this pic. Pretty awesome weapon for a gator TMNT villain, right? Not sure how effective bear traps would be on actual ninjas, but I'd pay to see.

    2. Ha - of course! I had that figure, but I don't think I would've recalled that anytime soon. Thanks! And thanks for a great blog! It's fast becoming one of my favorite reads!

    3. I genuinely thank you for the kind words! I hope I continue to entertain!

  6. Awesome! I snagged one of those Spiderman/bubble bath lids from my son's bathtub not too long ago. ;)

    1. I'm just waiting for the bottle to empty out and he gets his body back! The boys have been wondering why their baths have been so extra-bubbly lately.
