Sunday, January 20, 2013

Payday Friday... Bumped to Saturday

 So Payday Friday got pushed off to Saturday this week... not insomuch that I got paid on Saturday... just that I didn't get to Goodwill until Saturday morning. It was absolutely NOT the most exciting trip I've ever made to Goodwill, but there were a handful of highlights.

First a handful of Little Golden Books made it home. None of these are vintage, but let me explain:

I've decided that any Pixar properties in Golden Book Format (as long as it is a straight movie adaptation for the most part) will be coming home. I love the in-house style they use for the Pixar Golden books. It looks retro and stylish and is bursting with color... and well, it's Pixar. So Toy Story made it into my purchase for .99 cents. 

These are interesting because they are Chick-Fil-A premiums. Now, I am no huge fan of Chick-Fil-A with their recent public shenanigans. I don't believe that brands should pretend to be people with opinions on political, social, religious, or personal affairs. BUT I found it interesting that a fast food franchise had decided to distribute Little Golden books as premiums, even if they're nothing terribly old. 

There are 7 in the set, though sad to say I could only dig up 2 looking through the books at Goodwill. I would have loved to have brought home Rumpelstiltskin or The Nutcracker... or the whole set of 7. At .99 cents apiece, I wouldn't have minded. 

Here's a Choose Your Own Adventure from 2007 updating a book from the 80's with some big full color illustrations. It was also .99 cents. 

It's fun for me as a collector, seeing some of the stuff they did with the series to try and keep it current. 

Here's a collection of Star Trek stories from 1976 The New Voyages. I'm not a huge Star Trek fan, but thought this looked interesting. I have enough of an appreciation of the series to enjoy this collection. For .99 cents I didn't feel the risk was too great. 

The crown jewel of this trip was this pair of Great Muppet Caper glasses from McDonalds, circa 1981. I always cruise the glassware aisle in the specific hope of finding glasses like these. My Holy Grail would be a set of Goonies glasses, but I'll settle for any character glasses really, including the original McDonald-Land gang. I've taken three different shots so you guys can see all the way around them. These were .99 cents apiece. 

So that's it for this week's haul. With my Goodwil discount card, I got out for under seven dollars. Not my most exciting discoveries, but I got to add to a couple of my book collections, and found a couple of really nice vintage McDonalds Glasses. Not bad in the end. 

I'll be back soon with more Goodwill Goodies. Until then, Happy Hunting!


  1. That is awesome! WOW! Hope my next trip to Goodwill brings about such results.

  2. I haven't seen those Muppet glasses in years. Excellent score. To the point though, there were Goonies glasses?! There goes the rest of my day. I never knew of these and now I must find them.

    1. Ooooh yeah. Goonies man... Brother Midnight over at shows off a couple he found at a garage sale. Been hoping to stumble across some ever since.

  3. Those Muppet glasses are great. I would have bought them also. Even though I think I already have them. I look at Little Golden Books too. I just bought a Mister Ed LGB from the 60s a couple of weeks ago at a local thrift store (not Goodwill) for $1.00.

    1. See those are the kinds of finds I love!!! Mr. Ed. That is incredible.

  4. Oh my goodness! I used to have that exact Owl and the Pussycat book, and have been searching for it, but I never realized it was a Little Golden book, so could never find it. I loved the illustrations in it and have very fond memories of staring at those pages as a child. Any way you could scan the rest of the book? I'll do you a favor too. Of some sort. Within reason...

    1. I can do you one better. Check your e-mail?

    2. Did you send an email? If so I didn't get it... fyi. :P

    3. Hmmm maybe wrong e-mail. I tried again.

  5. Always good to find some nice glasses. I got a boxed set of three Disney Hercules ones last week, but that's obviously not as good as Muppet Caper glasses!

  6. Oh my gosh!!! I know you took 3 shots but it wasn't enough. Seriously those are the best. I thought it was gonna be Bama Jelly glasses (I have a few Muppet ones) but NO!
    I really appreciate that you linked back...

    1. When Smuckers was doing character jars about... 10? 15? years ago? My grandmother collected them. They were all Winnie the Pooh. Not anything that anyone in my family wanted to keep at the time... now I sort of wish we'd hung onto them.
