Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hot Dang! The Dork Lord of the Dork Horde Collects Little People!!!

So I was perusing my blog-roll today and noticed that Reis O'Brien of The Lair of the Dork Horde fame has started an obsessive collection of Little People!!!

Now I feel marginally justified in being so infatuated with them!!! Just for reference, my Little People collecting habits have been documented in this post and this post.

And just so I'm not posting to simply toot Reis's horn with nothing to show for it:

Here is my Little People collection as it currently stands. 

And here are my own custom Little People zombies (actually just peg-people like you'd pick up in a craft store) which I plan to continue expanding in the future. 

I'll be back soon with more Goodwill Goodies... so until then, Happy Hunting!


  1. Ha! Love the zombie Little People. My pal Mary has a huge Little People collection

  2. Admittedly, they aren't very little-people-y. They have feet and hands and details and stuff. I think I just wanted some little zombies.

  3. I used to love that Sesame Street one.

  4. Nice Snufflupaguss there - I've got ONE Little Person (??), a little baldy guy in a wooden car. Think it's a Little People thing anyway!

    1. He's actually just a little Beanie character I found at Goodwill. I've since moved him out of that house to be with other toys.

  5. I see Big Bird from your Nativity Scene !! I loved that figure !!!

    1. Thank you sir! That was one of the highlights of my birthday last year. That whole Sesame Street set.

  6. Oh how I loved my Sesame Street set as a kid. This reminds me that I need to post some of my latest finds!

  7. Mildly Jealous? Or wildly jealous?
    You have A SESAME STREET Little People collection!
